The outcome may or maynot be in line with our expectations, but we can be sure that it's going to be good.


     'Happy New Year'. 
      We were wishing everyone a 'Happy New Year', a few days back, some of us are still wishing others. 

    But why are we doing so? Why are we wishing everyone a 'Happy New Year'?

    Is everyone really happy? Is everything happening around good? 

    If "Yes", well and good, it is a Happy New Year.

    But, if "No", isn't it a lie? A huge lie on everyone's face.

   There is a lot happening in our life and some of it is happy, some sad, while most of it is of uncertainty.

   We just don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. We might have had a well-controlled day yesterday, we might even be having a very good day today, but we have no idea about tomorrow, because we have no control over it.  

   So, what is the point in wishing, 'Happy New Year', when we don't have control over the rest of the year.

   Or, what is the point in wishing, 'Happy New Year', when we don't even know what is going to happen tomorrow.


   However, surprisingly, "What if we know about what is going to happen tomorrow; what if we can have at least an idea of what is going to happen tomorrow."

   In fact, we can have more than an idea about what is going to happen tomorrow.

   In "The Alchemist", Paulo Coelho says that, "Then we warriors of light must be prepared to have patience in difficult times and to know that the Universe is conspiring in our favor, even though we may not understand how." 

   This might sound weird, but it might also be true.

   When we truly want to achieve something and if we work hard, the entire universe will conspire in our favor.

   So, when we are going to work with our whole heart, we can be sure the outcome is going to be good. 

   The outcome may or maynot be in line with our expectations, but we can be sure that it's going to be good.

    Knowing ahead that our future is good, is more than enough for us to be happy. 

   …. however….

    What if there is a person more powerful than the entire universe, who is trying to make everything happy for us.

   If "Yes", it is definitely a "Very Happy New Year to everyone".

    So, if you have forgotten to wish anyone this New Year, here is your chance to wish them with an entire load of 'Happiness'.

   Happy New Year ! ! !

Note: In the book 'Romans', we can read, "In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose."




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